Python Interactive Scripting Guide

If you want to write short scripts that interact with the user in a conversational manner, you will want to use Interactive Scripts.

You can run Interactive Scripts using the menu item File > Scripts (Ctrl-R on Windows/Linux; Cmd-R on macOS).

The Interactive Scripts dialog will give you a list of scripts to run. If you want to add a new one or remove an unused one, use the Add and Remove buttons at the lower left.

To run a script, select it and click the Run button, press Enter or double click on the desired script.

As with other Python code within Nion Swift, interactive scripts have access to the API, but also define a special API that you can use to interact with the users via questions. The interactive API is only available when running scripts as _interactive_.

Interactive scripts must include a script_main function that looks similar to this.

def script_main(api_broker):
    interactive = api_broker.get_interactive(version='~1.0')
    api = api_broker.get_api(version='~1.0')
    is_confirmed = interactive.confirm_yes_no('Are you ready?')
    if is_confirmed:
        data_item = api.library.create_data_item_from_data(numpy.random.randn(16, 16))

The special object interactive represents functions useful in an interactive environment.

Some functions (e.g. confirm_yes_no) will pause the script until the user responds or cancels.

See Scripting Guide to learn about the Nion Swift API.

See Python Interactive Scripting Guide to learn more specifics about the Interactive API.

More Examples

Basic interactive script:

from nion.typeshed import Interactive_1_0 as Interactive
from nion.typeshed import API_1_0 as API
from nion.typeshed import UI_1_0 as UI

def do_something(interactive: Interactive, api: API):
    library = api.library
    target_data_item = api.application.document_windows[0].target_data_item
    print('Sum of target image: ', numpy.sum(

def script_main(api_broker):
    interactive = api_broker.get_interactive(Interactive.version)  # type: Interactive
    api = api_broker.get_api(API.version, UI.version)  # type: API
    do_something(interactive, api)